We believe in the word of God The Bible as the only rule of faith and conduct and as the basis of our belief and doctrine. It is worth highlighting how the Word inspired by God will always guide us and correct us in all areas of our lives and ministries.
We believe in God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ, and in God, the Holy Spirit. We know that our God is the only true God who loved us in such a way that he gave his only son to save us (John 3:16).
We believe that Jesus is the Word of God revealed to the world (John 1: 1-18), as the author of the Church that he bought with blood on the cross of Calvary, as the author of our salvation, living stone and the only mediator between God and men (John 14: 6)
We believe in God the Holy Spirit as The Comforter, The Paraclete and Helper of the Church, as the one who endows us with fruit (Galatians 5:22) gifts and ministries (1 Corinthians 12: 4-11) We also believe in his baptism and its manifestations such as: speaking in tongues, words of science, prophecy, discernment of spirit, diverse genres of languages and interpretation of languages.
We believe in the five ministries established by Jesus; activating them as an apostolic house that we are. Ephesians 4:11 And he himself appointed some, apostles; to others, prophets; to others, evangelists; to others, pastors and teachers
As in every good start, we also believe that love is God's greatest and greatest gift. And everything we do has to be founded on love so that it can be effective (1 Corinthians 13) also to follow the example of our God who was his love who moved him to get rid of his only son, Jesus Christ, to come and save us. God is Love (John 4:16)
We believe in the congregational government and the full participation of each believer in the decisions that are made. We are a community of believers that according to their conscience discerns the purposes of God in the community of which it is a part.
We believe in an autonomy that opens space to listen, consult, learn and share. We affirm autonomy only to promote creativity, imagination, development and growth. On the other hand, we maintain an interdependence that stimulates relations of association and collaboration.
We believe in the practice of the baptism of believers by immersion as ordered by the Lord Jesus Christ himself in the great commission (Matthew 28: 19-20). We believe in baptism as an external sign that demonstrates our faith and what the Lord has done in us. Baptism is the evidence of our obedience to the Lord and our love for Him.
We also believe in the practice of the Lord's Supper as an ordinance where we remember the sacrifice made by Jesus on behalf of humanity (Luke 22: 7-23).
We believe in a missionary vision and commitment to bring the news of salvation to all nations and to all creation (Matthew 28:19).
We believe that God wants us to worship him and therefore he is looking for worshipers to do so in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).